Arlo Gosham-Hamer's profile

The Perfect Stranger

The Covered faces of Downtown Ottawa

A Perfect Stranger
            A person who you have never met or seen before in your entire life, a person who you have never known before and who has never known you before, and is not, and never was in any way, related to you.
Who Are They?
They don't know who you are and you don't know they are. They're perfect strangers, the people of downtown Ottawa. They're in their element, they're thoughts aren't known to anyone else but themselves. This is a showcase of those exact people. There isn't anything special about November 27th the day these were shot on, no big events or world holidays except for a worldwide pandemic.

Every weekend me and a group of my classmates make our way downtown for a photo walk to see what we can capture, At this point it's pretty much become a weekend ritual for us all to meet up and go shooting. As we walk the streets around Parliament, Sparks Street, or the ByWard Market we've got our cameras ready for that perfect shot. We aim to capture shots of people in their element grabbing a view of their natural faces, so we can get a look at what downtown life is like, and that's just people just doing their own thing. For these images I was equipped with my Canon EOS R and an 85mm f/1.2 RF, I ran this setup because the 85mm f/1.2 RF is a beast of a lens giving off super sharp focus and fast auto focus so I can always guarantee grabbing something in focus quickly. Street photography seen by the public eye is believed to be easy, just point and click the shutter right? Nope. Waiting for that exact moment with amazing framing to tell a story isn't easy, grabbing the right timing when someone raises their foot walking across the street or landing them in a pool of light coming by. These people don't know I've taken these images and most likely never will know. Here's my 5 images of the Perfect Stranger.

The Perfect Strangers
Disregard it all, Shopping Day, It's not a phase, The Commute, Hidden Face
The Perfect Stranger

Project Made For

The Perfect Stranger
